
Create, validate and retrieve beneficiaries

Alpha's Beneficiaries APIs allow you to create individual or company beneficiaries to ensure agility each time you want to make a payment. Optimise time and resources by removing the need to create a beneficiary for every payment.

The API provides you with the ability to pre-validate a beneficiary before submitting a create beneficiary request, which greatly reduces the chances of validation failure during payment creation. Additionally, retrieve the details of an existing beneficiary.

Validate a new beneficiary

Before creating a new beneficiary, you will have the ability to check the beneficiary details are correct, using the POST Validate Beneficiary endpoint.

This step is not mandatory in the beneficiary creation process.

💭 To ensure successful validation, you will need to pass all the relevant fields for the recipients' country. While these are not mandatory fields in the request, to ensure the validation is accurate we recommend you pass all the applicable fields.

Please see the table here for necessary field guidelines per country.

You will need to specify the AccountID, Name of the beneficiary, Address, BankCountryCode and CountryCode in your request.

Create a new beneficiary

To create and submit a payment on Alpha, you must first create a beneficiary using the POST Beneficiary endpoint.

Beneficiaries can be either individuals or companies, first-party or third-party.

You will need to specify the AccountID, Name of the beneficiary, Address, BankCountryCode and CountryCode in your request.

Retrieve a beneficiary

Once a beneficiary has been created successfully, you can retrieve the details of a beneficiary using the GET Beneficiary endpoint.

To retrieve the beneficiary details, you must include the Beneficiary ID in the request. The Beneficiary ID will be returned in the response to the successful creation of a new beneficiary.

For the technical implementation details, please see the Beneficiaries API reference

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