Postman API Collection

Fork the Collection

Use Postman to explore the Alpha Connect REST APIs. You can customise requests and receive responses for any of services you have access to.

You can test APIs right away by forking the Postman collection. To use the API, you'll need a client ID and client secret to authenticate. See the getting started section for help.

Once you have authenticated, you can include the token in your header and you'll be able to test all endpoints from postman.

Run In Postman

Authenticate via Postman

You can access the Alpha API Postman collection here. Open the collection in postman and follow these steps to authenticate.

Select the parent folder

Select the "Authorization" tab

Scroll down to the "Configure New Token" section

Enter your credentials into the Client ID and Client Secret fields

Select the "Get New Access Token" button

Use your token

Your Access Token will appear and you can choose to "Use Token" within postman or copy the token and use it wherever you choose to test your connection.