
Before making a request, you will need to authenticate. See our guide on authentication here.

Authenticate via Postman

If you are testing in Postman, follow our guide on the Postman page to see how you can authenticate via postman.

Authenticate on this site

You can authenticate and make requests on our developer pages.

grant_typeclient_credentialsFixed value of "client_credentials"
client_id{API Key}Unique Client Id
client_secret{Client Secret}Unique Client Secret

Enter the above credentials into the Form Data fields

The credentials will be reflected in your request. Select "Try It!" and you'll receive a token in the response.


Additionally you can define the scope of the authentication. Specify one of the scopes defined here.

Base64 encode

As an alternative to entering credentials into the form, they can be entered into the header field Base64 encoded. More information here.